Radical Undoing Workshop Series


6 Guided Radical Undoing Sessions.

Prepare to journey deep into your chronic muscle tension to undo the mental conflicts holding the tensions in place.

(Mental conflicts + muscle tensions = STRESS!)

This is the world’s fastest way to alleviate stress, attain deep relaxation, and feel sustained satisfaction with yourself as you are.


6 Full Radical Undoing Sessions.

Prepare to journey deep into your chronic muscle tension to undo the mental conflicts holding the tensions in place.

(Mental conflicts + muscle tensions = STRESS!)

The journey begins with an organic Radical Undoing session to get your body used to the position, movements, and deep breathing. You’ll feel trembling, buzzing, tingling, and a deep, overall sense of satisfaction and well-being…no matter the weather.

The second session gives you exercises to unlock the power and presence in your eyes and face, so you can make a better impression, and start seeing things a lot more clearly.

The third session unleashes the power and repressed expression locked up in your neck, throat, and shoulders? Ever feel like you wanna scream? With this session, you won’t be choking things down anymore. Let it out! Get rid of those tense, pulled-up shoulders, shrug the world off, scream out your barbaric yawp across the rooftops! Live the life you want…

The fourth session delves deep into your core to awaken your inner athlete, and a burning desire to do more, be more, and experience more with your body.

The fifth session goes down low into your lower body. Tap into the power of your repressed sexuality with exercises to break the chronic tensions in your hips, legs, gluts, and pelvis.

Finally, the sixth session is a grand tour of your whole body, and it will teach your unconscious to work more smoothly to accomplish your deepest desires and bring you lasting satisfaction and enjoyment in your life, regardless of your external circumstances.

When you go deep with the Radical Undoing work, you’ll find your old favorite problems disappearing before your eyes. New passions will come into focus and drown out your old obstacles and fantasies about how things are supposed to be. When you’re fully focused onĀ what is, then getting what you really want is as simple as moving toward it.



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