Course Categories Archives: Art of Not Giving a Fuck Workshops

Religion and Spirituality: Find your own truth.

by artofngf 1 Lessons in $197.00

Break free from the bonds of religion and spirituality. This doesn't mean atheism either. It means a serious deconstruction of the belief structures you've lived in your entire life, and then starting from scratch to find out what's really important to you, and to flow with your own life.

Radical Undoing Session Series

by artofngf 7 Lessons in $399.00

This intensive workshop contains 6 complete radical undoing sessions covering every segment of the body, with guided instructions to keep you aware, awake, and paying attention to your body and the movements while you undo your chronic tensions and learn how to change your life.

Art and Creativity

by artofngf 2 Lessons in $197.00

Learn how and why our creativity has all but disappeared in modern society, and get everything you need to break through your own creative barriers, boost your creativity, and use it to enhance every area of your life.